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Who's who

Current members of the Hii group

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Prof. King Kuok (Mimi) Hii
Group Leader

Mimi was born in Sarawak, Malaysia, but grew up in Singapore. She came to the UK to pursue degrees at the University of Leeds (BSc and PhD, Chemistry), before undertaking postdoctoral work at the University of Oxford. Her academic career began with a Lectureship appointment at King’s College London. In 2003, she moved to a Senior Lectureship at Imperial College, where she was promoted subsequently to a Readership and Professorship. In recent years she has taken on additional roles, including being the Director of the Centre for Rapid Online Analysis of Reactions (ROAR) and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Next Generation Synthesis and Reaction Technology (rEaCt).

In 2019, she was appointed as an Associate Editor for ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.

When she has spare time (sadly not too often), she read books, practices her German and 'tickles the ivories'. 

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Dr. Alex Atkins
Postdoctoral Research Associate (from 2024)

Alex received his undergraduate degree at the University of Bristol in 2018, where he spent his final year working with Professor Robin Bedford on iron-catalysed cross coupling reactions. After a short break from chemistry, he returned to Bristol in 2019 to complete his PhD studies in the group of Dr Alastair Lennox where he worked on electrochemical and photochemical C–H functionalisation methodology. His PhD was supported by Syngenta and he spent some time with them on an industrial placement.

He joined the Hii group in 2024 to explore the use of high-throughput experimentation as a tool to improve the sustainability of pharmaceutically relevant reactions. The project is a collaborative project (GreenSolvReactAI) funded by EPSRC between University of Leeds (Prof. Bao Nyugen, PI), Imperial College London (Prof. Mimi Hii) and University of Southampton (Prf. Jeremy Frey)

Outside of the lab he enjoys spending time with friends and training for triathlons.

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Linden Schrecker
Visiting Researcher (from 2024)

Linden was born and raised in Sandhurst (UK). He graduated from the University of Oxford with a MChem degree. While at Oxford, Linden worked in the lab of Prof. Jeremy Robertson investigating routes towards the total synthesis of Trigoxyphin K and L.

His PhD work involved the development of transient flow methods for machine learning applications. The work led to several publications and a patent application. Linden has started a spin-out company based on this technology (SOLVE) in 2024.

Outside of the lab, Linden can be found rock climbing, playing violin, and enjoying a variety of foods. 

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Melanie Nutter
Postgraduate student (BASF, CDT, 2020)

Mel was born and raised in Lancashire. She graduated from Heriot-Watt University with a MChem degree in Chemistry with Pharmaceutical Chemistry. While at Heriot-Watt, Mel worked in the lab of Dr. Filipe Vilela and Dr. Scott Dalgarno investigating bay-annulated indigo for photosensitised singlet oxygen production in a vortex fluidic device.

She is currently working on the development of semiconductor nanoparticles for photocatalytic C-C coupling.

Outside of the lab, Mel spends her time creating delicious cocktails at home and bouldering with friends. 

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Jeremy Jubb
Postgraduate student (BASF, CDT, 2021)

Jeremy was born and raised in Darmstadt, Germany. He graduated from Loughborough University with a First Class MSc degree in Chemistry. While at Loughborough, Jeremy worked in the lab of Dr Marc Kimber investigating Polyketide Natural Product Synthesis.

He is currently working on developing bromination reactions in flow.

Outside of the lab, Jeremy likes to do sports, especially play football.

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Yifan Tang
Postgraduate student (2022)

Yifan was born and raised in Hangzhou, China. He obtained his BSci degree in Chemistry from the University of Nottingham. He then joined the Advanced Molecular Synthesis MRes programme at Imperial College, where he worked with Dr. Phillip Miller on the development of photocatalytic carbonylation reactions in flow.

Currently, he is working on automated, self-optimized reactor in the KKH group.

Outside of the lab, Yifan enjoys training in the gym, making espresso, and wandering in the park.  

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Daniel Dalland
Postgraduate student (CDT, 2023)

Apart from a 3 year stay in France, Daniel was raised in Stavanger (Norway). In 2018 he enrolled at Imperial College to pursue an MSci degree in Chemistry with Molecular Physics. During this time, he carried out a placement year at Evotec where he developed his synthesis skills as part of a team developing new binders for PROTACs. This was followed by an MSci project within the Hii research group focusing on the application of transient flow methodology for the elucidation of kinetic data as well as the development of a Python package for automatic VTNA.

Daniel is currently exploring the scope of nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions by kinetic experiments in flow and batch.

When not busy with chemistry, Daniel likes to be with friends, play and watch football and working outdoors. 

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Muye Xiao
Postgraduate student (CDT, 2023)

Muye was born and raised in Beijing, China. He came to Imperial College London in 2019 to pursue an MSci degree in Chemistry, where he worked with Dr. Becky Greenaway on automated solubility measurements and fluorescent porous liquids during his final year project.

Joining the KKH in October 2023, he will be studying the kinetics of Kolbe-Schmitt reactions, in preparation of a bigger project in flow chemistry.

Outside of lab, Muye enjoys photography, singing, and making authentic Chinese food.

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Coming October 2024:
Yong Lee
Junchang Mei
Alban Gegout

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